Friday, 30 January 2015

#172 Anis in memory.

Baru je aku tulis tentang Anis in my previous entry. And now she is entering another world. Al fatihah buat Nur Anis Arina yang baru pergi menghadap Ilahi malam semalam 29/1/2015. Moga tenang hendaknya Anis di sisi Allah yang Esa. Moga tabah keluarganya. Redha itu yang utama. Yang hidup pasti pengakhirannya mati. Kita yang masih bernyawa mungkin hanya sisa, nanti menyusul. Anis, Kak Mun akan ingat Anis as a strong girl. You were strong dear Anis. I hope that Zihah will be strong just like you. Allah. 

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

#171 Anis

She is a sweet girl, best friend to my lovely sister. She is sweet to me because she is a girl with manner. She is a bright girl full with confidence in herself. Her effort to always trying to use English spoken with me was no joke. The moment after she knew that TESL is my major in maktab, she said she wanted to take TESL macam aku jugak.

And now she is having a "rest" in coma struggling her body to stay strong. I know that you are stronger than you can imagine. Stay strong if you can. Come back to us when you are ready. And if it's not for us, remember that Allah is always there for you.

Mohon doa buat sahabat kami, Anis Arina. Moga dipermudahkan segalanya buat nya. Moga diberi kekuatan yang luar biasa buat keluarganya. InsyaAllah.